Tuesday, 7 February 2012

13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs

This conference basically sums up what the travel and tourism industry is missing in terms of accessibility. Hopefully more research can be done on how accessibility can add functional value to each city and boost tourism numbers. Figures on disability are lacking in the Asian Pacific region, making it difficult for the emerging markets of destinations like Singapore, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines and Indonesia.
Tourism and travel experiences are still highly restricted by physical accessibility barriers, such as: transportation constraints, inaccessible accommodation and tourism sites as well as information barriers such as a general lack of information or poorly designed web sites. The tourism industry has on the one hand neglected to provide information about accessibility and on the other hand to adopt inclusive design principles. This is because of lack of enforcement of statutory building regulations, lack of knowledge and misperception about disabled and elderly customers’ actual requirements, and social segregation and stereotype challenges of catering for disabled and elderly customers.

In addition the accessibility requiring market is significant in terms of size as well as spending power. It has been estimated that over 750 million people worldwide have some type of disability. The OSSATE project has estimated the number of people with accessibility requirements in Europe to almost 130 million, when including the elderly as there is a strong and positive correlation between ageing and disability. To address the accessibility requiring market and benefit from the multiplier effects generated by friends and relatives travelling with them tourism organisations and destinations should reassure accessibility in both their physical/built and on-line environments.

The Special Thematic Session on Accessible Tourism is organized to provide a forum to discuss major issues related to Accessible Tourism, to identify existing barriers as well as technologies, strategies and approaches to promote Accessible Tourism. The Accessible Tourism section of ICCHP invites papers from all aspects across a wide spectrum of Information and Communications Technologies and accessible tourism. The Special Thematic Session particularly invites tourism-hospitality-leisure related papers on usages of

eTourism and disability
Accessible Tourism websites and accessible Tourism Information Systems (TIS)
Accessibility information in modern TIS
Accessible Travel and Leisure holidays
Accessibility information / guidelines / audits for tourism products
Usability and user-interface studies
Economic evaluations of Accessible Tourism
Technologies and applications supporting Accessible Tourism
Universal Design and usability
Case studies of eTourism applications for the disabled markets, as well as
the usage of technology for facilitating disabled tourists before and during their visit are particularly welcome.

This conference is held during: July 11 - July 13, 2012.
A pre-conference is happening during July 09 - July 10, 2012.
Location: University of Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria

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